Behind the ink of the Dead
Story of the Dead
Cast of the Dead
Words from the Living
Behind the ink of the Dead
They're coming to get you

In case you wondered what kind of a sick-o would create something like Zody the Zombie, here you go. Should Zody the Zombie disgust you feel free to throw rotten vegetables at him if you see him out on the street.

It can be a messy job digging up Zody to star in his comic strip.

Hello my name is Brian Robertson. I live in Union Mills North, Carolina with my girlfriend and our three children. When I am not chasing my three small children around the house I write and draw the exploits of my dead friend, Zody. I have been a Zombie lover since I saw the remake of George Romero's Night Of the Living Dead. I have been drawing since I was a small child. Hope you enjoy Zody, and come back often.